Wednesday, March 4, 2009

On Lock

So I was talking to Kevin John Stevenson IV the other day and he’s all, “I’m on lock and I was like, lock?” and he’s like, “yeah lock … like I’m grounded like my parents won’t let me go out and chill I have to go to school and come straight home and go to like my classes ... but no chilling”
Wait hold up a minute? Doesn't that mean i'm on lock... all the time? My parents never let me go out [unless there's a birthday party or i have a special school related reason]
“so you'retelling me, that if you weren't on lock you could run loose, tell your parent's that your going with your friends and come back whenever” “Well ofcourse I have a ten o'clock curfew, but the rest is about right. ”
You're kidding me? That's crazy isn't it ? ... Isn't it ?
So i conducted a verbal survey, and found out that about 87% of teens live the good life. They just say, “hey mom, i'm going to chill, i'll be back before curfew.” If i tried that the conversation would probably go down like this
“hey mom”
“i'm going to the mall to chill with friends”
”Ha ... right, so i need you to do the laundry”
I'm not a complete loser, I leave the house ... there are birthday parties or i have a valid school related reason. But it has to be a very very good reason. I can't even lie, cause my parent's are the type to check up on me, like they'd just show up at the mall to check if i'm with the people i sayd i'd be with, and if we're going what we said we'd be doing.
If i'm going to someone's house, my mom usually speaks to that person's mother and confirms it all.
So what's my sitch on dating? you really wanna know? No dating till second year university. But if i'm not doing ah-mazing in all of my courses, dating might be pushed back a few years.
I lead the most awesome life ever, I'm currently writting a novel you should buy it when it comes out, "Prisoner in my own house" By: Anonymous bored girl who's a prisoner in her own house.

Pяoвαмα, Duн!

Tuesday, January 20, 2008 was the swearing in of the 44th American president, Barack Obama. This momentous occasion will be a huge media event not only because he is the new leader of the free world in a time of war and financial crisis, but also because he is the first black president of a country that was founded on the blacks of slaves taken from Africa. In a nation founded on the oppression of blacks, the inauguration of Barack Obama is truly a historical moment of great importance.

Overall I feel like he’s THE MAN but I’m a little worried for him, because he’s becoming president at the worst possible time. Issues such as economy/financial CRISIS, national debt, tax cuts, the mortgage crisis, Afghanistan/Iraqi War, health care issue, and the flailing auto industry are a very big concern to people all around the world. So I want to see how he copes with all this and how he handles the stress.

Obama made it clear from the first days as a candidate that he was someone running for president who happened to be black, not a black man running for president. I really like this quote because it shows that the color of your skin doesn’t matter but that everyone can make a change. In his speech he acknowledges how far African Americans have come when he says, “This is the meaning of our liberty and our creed -- why men and women and children of every race and every faith can join in celebration across this magnificent mall, and why a man whose father less than sixty years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath.”

Highlight of Obama Speech for me: When he says, “A man whose father less than sixty years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath” I thought his speech was very inspirational and moving, but these were the words that really sealed the deal for me.

I don’t follow politics ever, frankly I find them maad boring, but this was an election that I couldn’t get my eyes off of.

- Snap, Crackle & Pop

Testing ?

Testing one two three, one three two
My name is Shandra, i'm sixteen
I like long walks on the beach
and one day i'd like to model for covergirl

I'd like to give a quick shout out to McDinky, FerryMaith and Shleeyzee F Baybee

Popaaz in the hizouse

When I grow up, i wanna see the world, drive nice cars, and I wanna have Groupies
When I grow up, i wanna be on TV, People know me, i wanna be on magazines
When I grow up, i wanna be fresh and clean the number one chick when I step out on the scene
Testing one two three
- Just Dance .. with a Poker Face